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Featured collection: Food photography

Food photography requires skills and an eye for beauty in simplicity. There’s a certain level of fun and a thrill when you take that perfect shot of the delicious meal before you. Photographers know this feeling way too well. We’re here to share with you some awe inspiring masterpieces of a savory, mouth watering array of dishes.

What’s in Demand: Top 10 Christmas Images

Food photography requires skills and an eye for beauty in simplicity. There’s a certain level of fun and a thrill when you take that perfect shot of the delicious meal before you. Photographers know this feeling way too well. We’re here to share with you some awe inspiring masterpieces of a savory, mouth watering array of dishes.

15 Awesome Gifts for Photographers

One thing that is true for all photographers, is that you never have to wreck your brain to come up with great gift ideas. Photographers will find a use for anything, especially if it’s photography related.

A Closer Look at Visual Trends of 2017 [Part 1]

A heated topic of discussion for the next coming months is going to be photography trends for the approaching year. At Depositphotos, we stepped aside for a minute and considered the larger scope. What visual trends are going to dominate and define the coming year?

10 Photography Trends for Holiday Marketing

It’s the season to be jolly and coincidently the season to stress about holiday marketing campaigns. Every year, it’s the same strategy and the same messages. Why not make this year a little different and a bit more innovative? Forget the Santa, Christmas trees and snow.

Editorial Collection: Christmas Around the World

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays around the world. This special day has transformed into what we know today from hundreds of years of passed on traditions. Each country celebrates it in their own way but it is certainly a day that unites these many cultures and entails a light, cheery atmosphere we all enjoy.

Pantone Color of the Year – Greenery

Green - the dominant color in nature, the soothing hue symbolizing harmony and peace. Pantone’s color of the year, greenery, is weirdly perfect for 2017. The Pantone Color Institute has also made a crossover between the color Greenery as a symbol of regard for the environment.

2016 in Pictures by Bird in Flight

Bird in Flight, an online magazine about photography and visual culture, compiles collections of the best photos from around the world, featuring artists and their works. Today we take a look back at 2016 as an exciting year of photography, travels, events and adventures.

6 Tips for Successful Christmas Campaigns (Through Visuals)

It’s official - winter is here and the coming holidays are just around the corner. For every company, this is an opportunity to reach out to their clients with special offers but for every customer, it is a bit of a bore. No one likes being bombarded with holiday offers on a daily basis. That being said, businesses have to first and foremost grasp that the competition is high, the consumers are losing their patience. Perhaps it’s time to adapt a new approach with visuals as your power tool. 

Visual Trends Guide 2017

It’s that time of the year! You can be sure that everyone is working away on the new and exciting trends for the coming year. Our predictions for the future trends are just a piece of the bigger puzzle that will surely emerge soon.

Featured Collection: Christmas

The search for the perfect holiday visuals begins. From website visuals, to banners and promotional materials - the images have to be on point. We’ve made it easy for you with our hand-picked Christmas collection.

Here are the Top Drone Photographs of 2016

There has been a surge in popularity of drone photography over the past few years. Drones are no longer mystical tools of the military but instead a handy device that has become quite affordable. Those that get their hands on one put it to good use and we are able to appreciate our world from a fresh perspective.

7 Do’s and Don’ts of Presentation Design

Everyone has sat through at least one bad presentation with too much information, clashing colors and awkward images. Although the mistakes are easy to spot, they’re also really easy to commit. Today’s article is a brief tutorial to help you elevate your presentation design.