
05\11\182 min

Ready use stock photos for print? Check your license rights [Infographic]

Whether you’re new to Depositphotos or have been with us a while, you’ll notice that visuals come under Standard License and Extended License options. What does this mean? We decided to take the visual route and show you what all this means for print materials.

Stock photo licenses are there to help you better grasp the limitations, restrictions and perks of using both standard and extended licenses. Understanding which to choose can be key to print projects and the full extend of using royalty free photos.

Our infographic on standard license vs extended licenses shows the key difference between the two, as well as provides a general comparison of your capabilities and rights with the two. To help you figure out which stock photo license will work for your print projects, see this quick summary that tells you everything you need to know.

comparing stock photo licenses for print - Depositphotos 22

For a full comparison of standard license vs extended licenses, or the restrictions of using royalty free photos, visit our official, detailed guidelines on licenses in general, or see a comparison chart for a compressed version. We hope you find this information useful. Stay tuned for our cover of standard vs. extended licenses for digital use.

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.