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Tilt-shift: Questioning Reality

The world is a very strange place. As children, we’d thought of the world as huge and almost endless; that we were very small creatures in a gigantic space. However, the rapid development of modern technology and social media have changed that impression. We can easily meet people who live in distant countries; we conduct conference calls via Skype; and we can view faraway lands at any photography website. Even when we travel to other countries, we are never totally separated from the people we care about back home, thanks to all the messages, pictures and life events we can share on Facebook, in email, or via video chats. Distances are rapidly becoming shorter. The feeling that the world is really tiny gets stronger every day; with today’s media, our planet is spread out right before our eyes. It’s getting so small and so familiar that we start wondering: Is it all real? Is it still the world of dangers, adventures and the unknown, or it is just a toy story captured by tilt-shift lenses?.. 

Kotor old town, Montenegro | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Oleksandr Prykhodko

Wavebreak Media: Breaking a Story

The world is a very strange place. As children, we’d thought of the world as huge and almost endless; that we were very small creatures in a gigantic space. However, the rapid development of modern technology and social media have changed that impression. We can easily meet people who live in distant countries; we conduct conference calls via Skype; and we can view faraway lands at any photography website. Even when we travel to other countries, we are never totally separated from the people we care about back home, thanks to all the messages, pictures and life events we can share on Facebook, in email, or via video chats. Distances are rapidly becoming shorter. The feeling that the world is really tiny gets stronger every day; with today’s media, our planet is spread out right before our eyes. It’s getting so small and so familiar that we start wondering: Is it all real? Is it still the world of dangers, adventures and the unknown, or it is just a toy story captured by tilt-shift lenses?.. 

Kotor old town, Montenegro | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Oleksandr Prykhodko

Wavebreak Media: на гребне волны

Шон Прайор, глава ирландской компании Wavebreak Media, которая является Платиновым поставщиком Depositphotos, любезно согласился ответить на несколько вопросов. Невероятные съемки и сложности рабочего процесса, команда и оборудование, конкуренты и тенденции рынка — об этом и многом другом читайте в нашем интервью. Depositphotos: Шон, для начала расскажите, пожалуйста, о своей команде. Кто они — сотрудники Wavebreak Media? Шон Прайор: Все наши сотрудники — это творческие люди, цель которых — создавать изображения и видео самого лучшего качества. Их объединяет общее видение результата и трудовая этика. Наша команда довольно-таки разношерстная, но мы все обожаем то, что делаем. Depositphotos:Сколько людей обычно участвует в съемке? Шон Прайор: На больших съемках собирается и до 40 человек: осветители, стилисты, визажисты, модели, ассистенты, рабочие, менеджеры и так далее. Представьте себе съемку небольшого голливудского фильма и вы поймете, как выглядит наша работа (возможно, я слегка преувеличиваю, но совсем немного). Depositphotos: Каким был ваш самый интересный проект? Шон Прайор: Мы реализовали очень много по-настоящему интересных проектов. Некоторые из них были действительно сумасшедшими; например, для одной из недавних съемок мы арендовали здание больницы на целую неделю. Съемка длилась 70 часов, в ней приняли участие 40 моделей. Нам разрешили включать все оборудование и даже соорудить аптечный киоск! Кроме нашей команды там находился только сторож, которому мы осмотрительно вручили бутылку виски в первый же день и после этого могли спокойно бегать по больнице. Вы можете посмотреть, как это было, в нашем блоге. Кстати, там вы сможете увидеть нашего оператора в клетке с гепардом, причем защитой оператора служил только один человек с лопатой! Кроме того, у нас есть пара безумных идей для съемки в замедленном режиме, так что следите за новостями.

Around the World in 80 Days: Turin

Phileas Fogg reached Turin on October 4, 1872. at 6:35 a.m. and left the city at 7:20 a.m., which we consider very unfortunate. Thе capital of the Italian north is known for its beautiful architecture, piazzas, parks and delicious Italian cuisine. How can one spend less than an hour in such a place? No haste or bet could be more important than the beauty of this Piedmont capital. Turin deserves more precise attention, and today we will attract that attention with these great views of the city. City of Turin skyline panorama seen from the hill | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Luca Silvestro Santilli

Celebrate the Aliens

Today is the birthday of the actress Sigourney Weaver, perhaps best known as the remarkable Ripley, who starred in four Alien movies, which makes it a great occasion to remember the 1979 movie that started it all. Alien (1979), with the fantastic designs by H.R. Giger, launched a new era of space visuals, and this tradition is still very present in contemporary cinema. In honor of this Alien star, we are happy to share our selection of the most exciting alien creatures and worlds created by our contributors.

Retro monster. | Stock Vector © Depositphotos | Ekaterina Panova

Around the World in Eighty Days. Let’s get it started: London

Our contributors submit beautiful travel images from all over the world; thanks to these contributions, one can virtually visit many places even while staying at home. Inspired by the Travel section that we have on Depositphotos, we have decided to repeat the famous journey of  Phileas Fogg from Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. Our trip begins today, the starting point is London, and we invite you to join us.

London fashion | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Michele Piacquadio

Das ist Oktoberfest!

October means the very peak of autumn, an increasing amount of rainy days, longer nights, colds and depressions, and the inevitable approach of winter. However, there is still something strongly associated with October that can help relieve the gloom – Oktoberfest! Having started at the end of September, at the moment it's in high gear, spreading from Munich to the rest of the world. Join the festival of beer, German Wurst and beautiful women wearing tracht with our featured Lightbox. The still life with beer | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Jiri Bursik

Depositphotos объявляет о прекращении приема оплаты файлов с помощью SMS-сообщений

Форт Лодердейл, Флорида, 18 сентября 2012 года – Depositphotos, наиболее активно развивающийся фотобанк в мире, отменяет функцию покупки файлов за SMS ввиду нерентабельности услуги.

С момента своего открытия фотобанк Depositphotos стремился предоставить своим клиентам как можно больше возможностей для приобретения изображений. В связи с этим была введена принципиально новая услуга покупки файлов за SMS. Однако данная технология не оправдала себя: ввиду высоких отчислений мобильным операторам за использование услуги авторы фотографий и векторных изображений, как и сам фотобанк, были вынуждены терять значительную часть дохода.

Depositphotos cancels its pay-by-SMS functionality

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, September 18, 2012 – Depositphotos, the fastest-growing microstock agency in the world, will not accept payment by SMS anymore, since this method has proved to be unprofitable. From the moment Depositphotos was founded, its goal was to provide its clients with the widest range of payment methods possible. Therefore, the company introduced its innovative pay-by-SMS functionality. However, this technology proved too expensive: due to high mobile rates Depositphotos’ contributors, as well as the company itself, were earning significantly less than they did when files were purchased with other payment methods.

Depositphotos reaches 9 million high-quality images and invites contributors to submit videos

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, August 30, 2012 – Depositphotos, the fastest-growing microstock agency in the world, has reached the 9-million-image milestone. Furthermore, Depositphotos announces the launch of a high-quality video upload platform, and all contributors are welcome to upload their videos for sale. For the past year, Depositphotos has continued to please its customers with updated website functionality, a radically improved “Smart Search,” a new collection of “Editorial use only” images and a brand-new lightbox operating system. Those improvements were designed to meet customers’ needs, as well as to make working with the constantly growing website content (which has more than doubled, from 4 to 9 million images in the last year) even easier. Progress at Depositphotos knows no bounds; the company announced that new video upload functionality is now available for contributors on the website. The upload requirements for video files are: a resolution between 320х240 and 1920х1080 pixels (Full HD) a length between 3 and 60 seconds, and a maximum video size of 1000 Mb.

The love of learning that leads to new discoveries: a story of Pics4ads

Pics4ads is a self-taught photographer, artist and graphic designer from Eindhoven, Netherlands. Images illustrating Spa and Health themes are her hobby, and she’s made a great career from them. She has a lot of experience creating custom business cards, flyers, promotional rack cards, binders, greeting cards and even iPhone and iPad cases. Not so long ago, she started combining photography and design elements to expand her options – and she has succeeded at it. Pics4ads has sold over 700 files through Depositphotos, and many of them will look familiar to you, because her work is extremely popular among designers and advertisers. We asked Pics4ads to share some of her experiences with us. She told Depositphotos a lot about her work, her feelings about “grab these images for free” sites, her favorite lovely poppies and a lot more.

Skin care cosmetics or toiletries | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Pics4ads 

Now it’s much more beneficial to Pin with Depositphotos

The microstock agency Depositphotos has updated its Affiliate Program. Now, all links from a registered social network user directly to automatically take part in the Affiliate program. The process of sharing has been updated: major social network buttons like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ appear on the “Bookmarking and Sharing Services” block of every single-image page, and links from these social networks are tracked by Pinterest. Every time a you as a registered user click on one of these social media buttons, and share that Depositphotos image, he can earn money. To become a participant in the Affiliate Program, you need to be registered at Depositphotos’ website as either a buyer or a seller. The difference between registering as a buyer or as a seller affects how you withdraw funds and how you can use the money you earn: