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Use your Photoshop skills and win!

Advanced Photoshop and Depositphotos have teamed up to offer you a great chance to unleash your creativity and Photoshop skills to win a prize worth over $500. Every participant will receive 10 high-resolution photos from Depositphotos' collection to create a Photoshop masterpiece using at least one of these photos. The genre and style is up to you.

Depositphotos to judge the “Best Use of Photography” award

Advanced Photoshop and Depositphotos have teamed up to offer you a great chance to unleash your creativity and Photoshop skills to win a prize worth over $500. Every participant will receive 10 high-resolution photos from Depositphotos' collection to create a Photoshop masterpiece using at least one of these photos. The genre and style is up to you.

Ansel Adams’ classic book trilogy

“I hope that my work will encourage self expression in others and stimulate the search for beauty and creative excitement in the great world around us.” – these words became Ansel Adams' credo, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West. He is the author of famous trilogy prints, “The Camera”, “The Negative” and “The Print”. Moreover, he is also famous for his Zone System that helps photographers to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print. Ansel Adams was the co-founders of the Group f/64 that specialized on sharp-focused and carefully framed images.

Subscriptions: more possibilities, less restrictions!

Depositphotos has been working to improve its customer service since the very beginning. We want to offer our users more possibilities, and fewer restrictions! This time we have two bits of news to share with you: once understand them, you will be able to take full advantage of our site. A recent change allows our buyers to upgrade their current subscription plans by simply purchasing an additional subscription. Your new subscription will no longer block your previous subscription; instead, the daily limits of your different subscription plans will simply be combined. Both subscriptions will be automatically renewed, independently from one another, until they are canceled by users. This innovation enables our customers to download more images at cost-effective prices.

Depositphotos приглашает к сотрудничеству авторов, работающих в области Editorial изображений

Depositphotos предоставляет своим клиентам еще больше возможностей! Одно из последних нововведений – прием и продажа изображений по лицензии Editorial Use Only. Спрос на изображения этой категории настолько высок, что начинает превышать возможное предложение фотобанка. Новостные порталы, блоги, печатные издания, информационные приложения для мобильных устройств, редакторы средств массовой информации используют наши изображения для иллюстрации своих материалов. Массовых источников информации становится все больше с каждым днем, и все они хотят создавать красочный и интересный контент, который так востребован современной читательской аудиторией. Изображения для редакционного использования могут появляться только в печатных изданиях, на телевидении и в онлайн-СМИ в качестве иллюстрации актуальных событий. Подобные фотографии не доступны для коммерческого использования.

Introduction: Editorial Use Only on Depositphotos

Depositphotos offers more possibilities to its customers! One of the latest innovations is “Editorial Use Only” stock images. The demand for images from this category is so high that it begins to exceed our Stock photo agency’s on-hand supplies. “Editorial Use Only” images are intended for use by news outlets, bloggers, publishers and editors to illustrate current, newsworthy material. The growth of mass media fuels the demand for colorful and interesting content for contemporary reading audiences. The images in this category can be used only for printed material, TV and online mass media, to illustrate newsworthy events. Such images are only suitable for non-commercial use.

Happy Birthday to National Geographic Society!

Today is the 122th Birthday of the National Geographic Society, one of the largest non-profit educational and scientific institutions in the world. It has been inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888. Its interests include geography, archeology and natural science, the promotion of environmental and historical conservation.

Meet a Depositphotos Contributor: Julos

Julien Tromeur is a famous Parisian 3D artist. “I am a frog who makes frogs…seen by millions of people all around the world”,  says Julien about himself on his web-site.  He gave an exclusive interview to Depositphotos  in which he shared some secrets of his success.

Movies about photography

If you are related to photoart, surely, it would be interesting for you to watch some of these movies.  We’ll start from old movies and then we’ll go back to nowadays masterpieces. The first well-known movie about photography is “Rear window” directed by Alfred Hitchcock. In this movie the main character is a photographer who suddenly becomes a witness of a murder. Since 1954 this movie has got many awards and turned to a legendary masterpiece in cinematographic culture.

Re-read: meritocracy and crowdsourcing by Jeff Howe

In 2006, Wired Magazine published an article by the reporter Jeff Howe devoted to the new phenomenon of the influence that crowds of like-minded people have on decision-making and progress. He named this effect “crowdsourcing.” Development of present-day stock photo houses would not be possible without the rise of amateur photographers due to falling costs of photo equipment and Internet access. The groundbreaking article written five years ago helps understand other important modern trends and gives a reasonable assessment of own professional chances.

Color of the month: Green

Green sets records for hue diversity even if all the shades are named the same. Experts have found almost fifty hues of the color in Snake Charmer (1907), the painting by Henri Rousseau; it is the color of youth and rejuvenation, of plants, sea grass and bacteria capable of photosynthesis.

Say Cheese!

Do you smile while somebody takes a photo of you? A little more than a century ago, our ancestors smiled rarely for the camera. And absence of good dentistry was not the reason. In 1870, the grueling time required for a good exposure could reduce any trace of a smile. Besides, an opportunity to have your portrait taken might occur only once in your life, so it was prudent to take it seriously. Emotions played a small role in early portraiture, even though laughter was considered to be one of the qualities of an educated person.

Illustration Now!

"Illustration Now!" is a series of books about illustration art, edited by Julius Weidemann, an author of many Taschen digital and media titles. Illustration Now! Portraits The book is a spectrum of nowadays portrait masterpieces, from caricatures to realism. During last ten years illustration has been on easy street as for computer working artists, as for artists who work by hand. The most interesting and also difficult thing about illustrations is a portrait. It is usually used in editorials, advertising, and recently has become a subject of big exhibitions. "Illustration Now! Portraits" by German publishing house Taschen consists of exclusive and even not published portraits of artists from all over the world, also such famous names as Aaron Jasinski , André Carrilho, Hanoch Piven, Anita Kunz, Jody Hewgill, and Dugald Stermer. Steven Heller has written an introduction to the "Illustration Now! Portraits".

Start the New Year with some “New Yuri” photos!

Microstock photography phenomenon Yuri Arcurs, at age 33, is the world’s top-selling microstock photographer. In 2008, he hit a record high of 1 million licenses sold. In 2010, PDN Magazine called him the most influential photographer of the century! Yuri’s clients include Hewlett-Packard, Time magazine, Samsung,, Sony, Microsoft, Canon, MTV, and many other famous brands. It took him only seven years to achieve worldwide fame. He employs a full-time staff of 35 people in Denmark and Scandinavia, and another 50 in India, the U.S., and South Africa. He lives and works in Denmark, but spends six months every year in Hawaii, Norway, or South Africa. Yuri created his own photo studio in order to capture people in “real” indoor locations like spa salons, dentist’s office, business offices etc. In general, he chooses the most popular topics for the market, such as business, computer technology, family, and romance. In addition to photography, Yuri develops free programs for photographers. His program Easy Keywording has made photographers’ work easier, allowing them to speed up their work process in general. In addition, he writes tutorials for photographers, runs his video blog, and actively communicates with his fans.

How Beautiful?

Any photographer, photo editor and casting director will be curious to hear firsthand from colleagues how standards of beauty change over time, and how future standards of beauty depend upon today’s standards. Every little change in the field of beauty affects how it is perceived, and the public perception of beauty is extremely important for business, and one could argue, the growth of mankind. Still and all, the fleeting nature of beauty is its most compelling aspect. Standards change so quickly that, according to exhibition participant and British photo journalist Felicia Webb, “by the time I had my children they can't even recognize the world of fashion and beauty that I came up in.”