
30\01\122 min

Introduction: Editorial Use Only on Depositphotos

Depositphotos offers more possibilities to its customers! One of the latest innovations is “Editorial Use Only” stock images. The demand for images from this category is so high that it begins to exceed our Stock photo agency’s on-hand supplies.

“Editorial Use Only” images are intended for use by news outlets, bloggers, publishers and editors to illustrate current, newsworthy material. The growth of mass media fuels the demand for colorful and interesting content for contemporary reading audiences. The images in this category can be used only for printed material, TV and online mass media, to illustrate newsworthy events. Such images are only suitable for non-commercial use.

Editorial Use Only

The “Editorial Use Only” License allows customers to buy images to illustrate their articles at the most agreeable terms. When selling images under this license through Depositphotos, photographers don’t need to have model and property releases signed. It considerably simplifies and speeds up the process of uploading photographs into portfolios.

To meet the increasing demand for editorial images, Depositphotos invites new photographers interested in selling newsworthy photographs to send images to us. In order to start selling your images for editorial use in mass media, all you have to do is choose the «Editorial Use Only» catagory when uploading images to our site.

Editorial Use Only


For contributors with high-volume and newsworthy portfolios, Depositphotos offers special conditions: the status of a Depositphotos’ VIP photographer, higher placement in search results, higher inspection priorities, automatic attribution by our managers, and financial stimulation programs (such as $0.10 for every uploaded image, up to $50). To discuss individualized conditions for contributors, please contact us at:

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