
29\05\123 min

Remember your Father, but don’t forget the savings!

After the death of his wife, William Jackson Smart had to raise his 16-year-old daughter Sonora and her four younger brothers by himself. He not only succeeded at this task – raising five productive members of society – but he also instilled strong feelings of responsibility and gratitude in his children. Sonora wanted to thank her father, and inspired by the recent nationwide recognition of Mother’s Day, she set out to establish a special holiday dedicated to the fathers in her hometown of Spokane, Washington.

Happy father day © Depositphotos

Happy father day © Depositphotos | ankurpatil 

Initially the holiday was to be celebrated on June 5 –William’s birthday – but due to scheduling difficulties, the official first celebration was moved forward to June 19, 1910. Sonora’s idea was quickly adopted by other Washington cities, and in other states, and the idea of a national Father’s Day began to grow. In the years following that first celebration, various U.S. presidents publicly acknowledged and supported this celebration, and it was widely observed nationwide; but it was not until 1968 that Lyndon Johnson declared it a national holiday, and in 1972 Richard Nixon proclaimed it to be permanently celebrated on the third Sunday in June.

Nearly all families observe Father’s Day, with special attention given to fathers faced with raising their children alone. In 1999, president Bill Clinton began a program supporting low-income fathers and their families with special government assistance. The rituals of Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are practically the same: flowers, presents, help around the house, cards, phone calls and kind words. But there is one beautiful tradition that makes Father’s Day different from the other holidays: Father’s Day flowers. At the suggestion of Sonora Smart (whose married name was Dodd), people can honor their fathers by wearing a single rose: red, if their father is alive and white if he is not.

Appreciate your beloved ones; especially your family members. We’ve prepared a great collection of images dedicated to Father’s Day. It is devoted to warm relations between fathers and their kids. In the “Father’s Day” lightbox you will find not only the best, carefully selected files, but you’ll also find all files to be available at a 20% discount.

Small boy playing a soccer game with a man © Depositphotos

Small boy playing a soccer game with a man © Depositphotos | Yuri Arcurs

Father and son smiling © Depositphotos

Father and son smiling © Depositphotos | Andres Rodriguez

Father lead by the hand son © Depositphotos

Father lead by the hand son © Depositphotos | Viktoriia Khorzhevska

Father and son enjoying each other's company on a sunny summer's © Depositphotos

Father and son enjoying each other’s company on a sunny summer’s © Depositphotos | photography33

 Happy Father’s Day!

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