Welcome to 2018!

Life of a marketing manager is all about planning. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, the Oscars, and the Superbowl – there are so many events to remember and marketing campaigns to plan!

We’re here to make things easier for you, that’s why we created a social media holiday calendar for 2018. You will find all the main holidays for 2018, and the important events to be ready for. Our calendar also includes some quirky and fun events, so you can surprise your subscribers and create unusual promotional campaigns.

The new year is a great time to set goals and to create plans to achieve them. As a social marketing manager, you probably understand all the benefits of advanced planning. So get ready for a new marketing year with us!

2018 social media holiday calendar of important events

For a little boost of motivation, insights and tips on your marketing activity, see our list of top marketing podcasts. Hopefully these podcasts will help you find answers to some of your most unanswered questions. To keep you trendy and in line with recent visual trends, see our collection on some of the most trendy images for 2018 from our library.

If you’re reading this in 2019, hop over to the brand new 2019 social media holiday calendar inpired by retro images.

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