Maria Sibirtseva
Maria Sibirtseva

04\09\203 min

Here’s What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

Photographers submitted hundreds of works to the Depositphotos contest during the last two weeks. Although all participants created shots on the same theme (Authenticity 2.0), every photograph was unique and translated a personal interpretation with their signature style.

In the official Instagram account of the photo contest, you can explore an entire diversity of visuals from the first four weeks. There are black and white images that feature the emotions people experience every day, drone shots that highlight the beauty of our planet, and street photographs that document life in different towns and cities.

Most of the images from the fifth and sixth weeks of the Depositphotos contest showcase the peculiarities of everyday life in various corners of the world. You can discover how people enjoy summer at public beaches in Odessa, Ukraine, spend time with their children in Melbourne, Australia, and meet with friends in Tbilisi, Georgia.

What becomes clear now is that photography helps to capture and remember candid moments beyond our contest. It gave artists another reason to explore the diversity of the world while the borders are closed. To inspire you to take more images of your everyday life, we share the best shots from the fifth and sixth weeks of the Depositphotos contest.


Week 5

1. Be at peace with yourself, @ann.zuk

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

2. The courage to be yourself, @khabarovka

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

3. Manifestation of life in every moment, @vel.zel

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

4. Wake up with a view of the pure nature, @lia_kotus

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

5. Originality, realness, and purity, @david__sarkisov

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

6. To watch the premiere of National Geographics wild 01:00 sharks and surfers season 1, @forozan_hamid_

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

7. Beautiful, @ever.ydaysummer

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

8. The ability to just love each other no matter what, @aleksandryurkovskyi

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

9. Harmony, @mateusvmello

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

10. Our sunrises, @adelfransoise

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]


Week 6

11. Early morning but it’s time to pasture the goats, @kalamurza_ph

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

12. Phases, @katalin_szaraz

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

13. Authenticity is enjoying summer at the public beach, @kalamurza_ph

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

14. Gathering wildflowers, @sonjachnyj

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

15. Cease to seem and open yourself to the world, @kseni9_osipova

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

16. Speed, @zoyacoven

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

17. Exactly this. A cat on the table, right after lunch, @maite_av_photography

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

18. Women do their daily grinding with the traditional hand grinder, @photo_raman

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

19. Germany,

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

20. Sunny dust on a daily routine, @streetphoto.ekb

Here's What Authenticity is According to 20 Independent Photographers [Week 5 and 6]

The Depositphotos contest is now closed for entries. During the next three weeks, we will be sharing more images from the long-list on the blog and on Instagram and run judging rounds with the contest jury. The award-winning photographers Rosa Roth, Daro Sulakauri, Eldar Khamitov, Mikael Theimer, and Kate Kondratieva will examine every image from the long-list and on October 1, we will announce the winners.

To find out more about the contest jury and the judging criteria, read the photo contest guide.

You can explore more images from the long list of the Depositphotos contest in the Instagram account or in these blog galleries:

Authenticity Through the Eyes of 20 Independent Photographers [Week 1 and 2]

20 Photographers And Their Artistic Vision of Authenticity [Week 3 and 4]

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Maria Sibirtseva
Maria Sibirtseva

Maria is a Head of Content Marketing at Depositphotos. She works on creative projects, curates content production, and manages the copywriting department. Maria explores the topics of visual trends, human creativity, and AI, sharing her knowledge at Europe-wide events.