10 Inspiring Photographers to Follow on Instagram
There comes a time when every photographer needs a little nudge for a spark of creativity. There is an abundance of resources available to you as inspiration; platforms that are motivating, websites full of knowledge, and of course apps that expand your horizons.
Today we look at some of the most inspiring photographers to follow on Instagram. Some of them have shared their bits of stories as well as insights and tips on photography.
1. Daniel Kordan
“I’m traveller, journalist, and founder of Danielkordan.com – expeditions for photographers in epic places. Currently, I’m sailing from Arctic to Antarctica on our yacht “Peter the great”. We called this expedition “Two Poles” and it’ll last for 2 years.”
2. Tiffanny Nguyen
3. Chris Burkard
“Remember that a camera is just a tool, and what is more important is how you look at the world. Curiosity and a desire to explore, as well as passion is a huge necessity when it comes to photography.
I started shooting photos when I was 19 years old. It enabled me to explore and adventure, and show people the beauty in the world around me. I got an internship at Transworld Surf magazine which was an incredibly valuable experience. Through trial and error, I taught myself and began to develop a style. Hard work, persistence, and having passion for what I do have taken me a long way.
The best thing that you can do as an aspiring photographer is to identify a style that represents you well, develop within that style, and keep shooting to perfect it. It’s super important to have your images be recognizable by editors and others who are looking at your work. With the large number of photographers that are out there now you must find ways to stand out. The best compliment I can ever receive is when people know my work instantly when they see it.”
4. The Planet D
5. Lauren Bath
“Something that surprises a lot of people is the fact that photography is about so much more than the pictures alone. To be a successful photographer it’s important to understand how to run a business and to have excellent people skills for dealing with clients. I also place a huge emphasis on my social media and see it as an important tool to get your work out there. My best advice for anyone looking for a career as a photographer is to work damn hard and to work hard at the many aspects that will lead to success, not just taking pictures.”
6. Johan Lolos
“I could definitely say that my travels influence my work but at the same time, my work influences my travels. I tend to go and return to the same kind of environment. Mountains, wild open spaces, dramatic coast lines… The raw landscapes are what inspires me the most for my photography, so every time I travel to a place I make sure that I’ll find myself in the wilderness.
With time, my work has changed quite a lot. No more idyllic beaches, no more cityscapes, no more luxurious hotels. It’s all about the outdoors and the wilderness, and both my lifestyle and my work are now fully linked to each other. I tend to say that I’m no longer a traveler but I became a travel photographer who travels to document the world with my photography.”
7. Max Rive
8. Dustin Lane
“I like images that evoke a feeling of memory. Something distantly familiar. Scenes that feel heavily impressed with life, history. Sometimes comforting, others uneasy, direct or subtle.”
9. Cristina Mittermeier

10. Daro Sulakauri
“People I photograph inspire me, their character, gesture, energy, how they live, everything about them is interesting. I create photographs that contain moments of my impressions on life. The moods and situations that become important to me. My work is a lot about Caucasus region, trying to raise awareness in specific themes.
I believe photography gives alerts and awakens.”
We hope you enjoyed our selection of photographers on Instagram. Perhaps you have some talented photographers that you think should be on the list? Leave your thoughts and comments in the comments section below.