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5 Thought-provoking Photography Projects from Behance


Behance is a useful resource for artists and designers alike. It is a place that brings together professionals from the creative industry and offers a unique opportunity for them to showcase their work. If you’re on the lookout for a little inspiration, this article is for you.

The first point to note is that the photography topics covered are subtle connections to photography itself, with a lot of layers of meaning added with post production. It illustrates the power of using photography as the main visual aid and certainly shows all the possibilities with the medium.

1. Brand yourself


Brand Yourself is a clever project that beautifully illustrates the contemporary ideals or rather, the absence of them. With a catchy tagline “People buy what you show, not what you know”, the project has caught the eye of thousands. The superbly done graphics with a combination with photography brings the illustrations to life making the little humans seem like actual assets that are available for purchase. This project hits right in the heart of the issue we stumble upon when looking for jobs. The headhunting dolls are hauntingly beautiful, representing job seekers in a flooded job market. This kind of photography topic touches each and every one of us.

Gearbox Studios shared their insights on the project:

“Many people believe that having a successful career depends on self improvement, experience, positivity, problem solving, discipline, team-play, etc. But, what would you do if you discovered that this list is not enough, when you watch people with mediocre talents and less experience bypass you.

Many people are disinterested in personal branding. But, we must accept the fact that we are living in a highly competitive world, and the only way to survive this competition is to work on our image alongside our skills.  we must admit that success comes from self-packaging and it is not limited to the appearance and knowledge of the person.”

2. G Shock SS16


There is something incredibly refreshing about seeing contemporary humans on the set of a classical gallery. This project has received a lot of attention because of its simplicity and ingenuity. Including citizens in front of classical paintings provides a beautiful juxtaposition that harmonizes together to deliver a social commentary. Although somewhat out of place, the modern man blends with the background paintings which makes his presence almost natural. This project is a great example that illustrates how a simple idea can make a powerful impact selecting just one simple photography topic to explore.

3. Sanal


The company LSD Image created these intricately detailed artworks in a collaboration with a creative agency Le Baene. These images are advertising material for a brand called Senal. The works were part of a billboard campaign that was launched in Italy. The main concept behind this project is to depict 3 fruit juice flavors in one image. Although you can’t taste all the components of juice, this project certainly depicts it well. The real wonder of the project lies in the meticulous details that form the insides of a juice bottle and the incredible CGI work that went into the making of this project.

4. Hibernation II


Hibernation II is a beautiful night photography series that explores the idea of the subconscious and the blurred lines between truth and fiction. The artist included a figure of a man and captured his relation to the landscape, the results being quite surreal. Using real life locations, the artists captures moments where reality meets the subconscious. The nighttime is skillfully captured in this series of photographs and each one appears to be a frozen moment in time set somewhere in the future.



This series of photographs is a seamless synthesis of photography and graphic design. The conceptual photography is set in a period of socialism as interpreted through through a digital language of three creative individuals (Natalia Evelyn Bencicova, Adam Csoka Keller and Arielle Esther). The project explores symmetry in an innovative and unusual way, delivering a message in a wider social context to the audience.

Natalia Bencicova shares some insights about her project with us:

“At the basis of the project lies a historical foundation that collaborates with a fictional scenario to blur the lines between reality and memory. All body form in the project is folded within the space to shape a coherent geometrical composition, a symbol of the regime itself.

People create a pattern. They become part of the overall composition: the architecture and the society. Each person is stripped off their own individuality to become a unified form, creating. By doing so, it creates an absurd platform where every difference is an anomaly.”

If you want to keep the inspiration thread going, here are 5 powerful photography projects that made a difference and 10 movies every photographer must watch.

Do you have any projects from Behance that you’d like to share with us? Leave your thoughts and comments in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.