
27\02\172 min

Free Stock Photos, Videos and Vectors From Depositphotos

If you work in the creative field, you know that visual content is in constant demand. Sometimes you have to be resourceful and plan your visual marketing strategy in advance. With so many tasks and campaigns, it’s nice when you can turn to free stock photos. You never know what’s in store for you, so always have a safety life supply of snacks and of course, stock files.

Depositphotos updates weekly free stock files which you can simply download and store on your devices. Not only are there free stock photos but also free videos and free vectors. Take advantage of this opportunity and get them while you can!

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What are vector files?

Vectors are a particular file type that is supported by Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Vector designs can be scaled to any size without losing quality. This gives you more room to experiment and customize the designs to fit your needs.


What can I do with video files?

Videos can be used on websites, blogs and even social media promotions. They’re refreshing on a page that is made up of photographs and add dimension to your content. They’re also really easy to convert to GIF files, like we’ve done below. 

free videos from depositphotos

How to get free stock photos

Simply visit our free stock files page, click on the files you like and download them on their individual pages depending on the size you need. Don’t forget to visit the page to see what’s available every week. If you’d like to receive updates on the latest free files, register with Depositphotos and we’ll keep you informed via email.

free stock photos depositphotos

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.