Looking for free stock photography? Maybe all the great files you hope to collect are right in front of you. At Depositphotos, we upload free files on a regular basis. This month, we have lots of great images, vectors and videos to share with you (and maybe a little story.)

Simply click on the images in this article to be redirected to the downloads page, or scroll to the bottom to see all the free files we have available.

Did someone say ‘free files’?

Yes, and it’s storytime!

You’re probably sitting at your desk, wondering what in the world free files are like:

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Let us take you on a journey to the ever changing cityscape of old and new architecture in London:

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Craving something more atmospheric? Get your vacation on with this image:

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Or zoom out of this shot for something closer to a drone view:

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No, you’re probably sick of the blazing summer heat. Perhaps you want to walk away from the hot summer days while the light breeze cools you down:

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Go ahead, click on any of the images and videos in this article and download your free files:


Almost forgot about the free vectors!


If you’re still not impressed with our free files collection, puppies make everything better:

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We thought we’d ask again – free files, anyone?

See all free files

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