Mariia Lozhko
Mariia Lozhko

02\10\202 min

Editor’s Choice Gallery #3: Contemporary Portraits

The Depositphotos library gets bigger by about 120 thousand files daily. Our content curators go through each of these new images to create eye-catchy thematic collections.

The Editor’s Choice Gallery rubric includes collections of the most outstanding and unexpected contributors’ works. The heroes of this issue (Editor’s Choice Gallery #3) is an artist from Thailand who works mainly with contemporary portraiture. Enjoy her breaking the traditional composition and setting non-stocky exposure to convey emotions and thoughts of her models.

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*By clicking on the images, you will be redirected to the Depositphotos website where you can purchase them

stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography stock photography close up portrait of young and tender woman stock photography

Photographers who mix genres and experiment with composition and exposure push the boundaries of photography. And what contemporary photographers are keen on today may tomorrow become a global trend of commercial campaigns’ design.

Stay tuned and check out the full Editor’s Choice Gallery #3 to get inspired and take a fresh look at your projects.

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Mariia Lozhko
Mariia Lozhko

Mariia is a marketing and PR writer with over 10 years of experience. As a blog author, she covers topics related to creativity trends, marketing, business performance, and productivity. She also has AI and project management expertise.