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5 Things to see and read about over the weekend

  Hopefully you’re not too busy getting ready for the winter this weekend. Take a load off pour yourselfa cup of coffee and spend some time reading about what’s new and exciting going on around the world. We’ll talk about it on Monday. See ya!

Today’s Guru Talk: Using Automobile Headlights as Light Sources

Anyone who has ever held a camera has, at some point either used or thought of using headlights as lighting equipment: they are fairly bright, they’re relatively soft and warm and they are there – cars are ubiquitous. Needless to say, some of the best-known names in the business have used them (not exclusively, of course) as backup, fill, and sometimes even as a main light source. I know I have! So, what’s the deal?

The Rumble Continues: CANON 70D VS. NIKON D7100

  Over the last few months, whenever people ask us to recommend a decent DSLR for action photography (sports, wildlife, etc.), we would instantly recommend the NIKON D7100. It’s listed at about $1200, and it features a 24 mpx sensor and 51 focusing squares (15 of which are cross-type), it shoots at an acceptable 6 fps, and the image quality in terms of dynamic range and color is simply superb. For the money, you probably couldn't find anything better or more reliable – and it’s also very sharp when shooting video.

Depositphotos presents “THE DIGITAL DECADE” competition winners: Xavier Bourdil (France)

It’s often the simplest idea that yields the best results. Arseny Vesnin, founder of the Designcollector – one of the best-respected web resource dedicated to design –knows it full well: three months ago his brainchild passed its ten-year milestone and, Vesnin thought, what better way to pause and marvel at a great achievement then to invite a bunch of graphic designers to take over the anniversary issue of the Designcollector’s print cousin, DCMAG magazine, and make a contest out of it? The celebratory DCMAG Issue#3 was supposed to feature all of the contest’s future participants and the first four were to be awarded some seriously cool prizes. Simple idea, and yet what a creative fiesta it turned out to be!

Lunch Time Reading: Our Top 5 Picks Off The Web For You!

It can be exhausting – sifting through the Web, searching for something to both entertain and educate oneself. Well, we've decided to help and cherry picked for you a few examples of what in our view could make a great lunch time reading. Watch videos, look at pictures, read articles and let’s have something to talk about later!

Search Word Of The Day: MIRACLE. 5 Portfolios That Came Up

It’s no secret that every once in a while things just pop into our head for no apparent reason. Sometimes people in art departments wait precisely for that – for a word, for a sign, for some kind of jolt of energy to push them in the right direction. After all, any creative knows what “The Block” means, and that the block may be unblocked anytime by something absolutely unexpected and highly unusual.

Depositphotos’ contributors now can receive payments through Payoneer

Depositphotos is glad to announce that from now on the agency’s contributors are able to receive payments through the global payment system Payoneer. To celebrate the start of our collaboration with Payoneer, we'd like to announce that all contributors can activate a Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® card free of charge, and also withdraw funds with no transfer fee (for those who choose the bank transfer payout option), through July 24, 2013.

Please note! This promotion is extended through July 24, 2013

Depositphotos hits 1 million customers and celebrates 15 million images in its library

Having reached two milestones, Depositphotos offers 15 million crowdsourced royalty-free files to over 1 million customers worldwide. New York, NY, June 3, 2013 — Depositphotos, the fastest-growing microstock agency in the world, announced it has reached a milestone 1 million customers, and has amassed 15 million royalty-free photographs, vector images and video files in its library. Founded in 2009, Depositphotos met its first significant milestone of 5 million files in December 2011. Adding over 150,000 new files weekly, it proceeded to triple the size of its collection by June 2013. Moreover, the client base of the agency recently exceeded 1 million customers from 192 countries.

Depositphotos’ Week of Newcomers: Six new faces in our library

It’s been a week since we started our Week of Newcomers, a daily tour of new names in our community that is growing rapidly thanks to our dynamic content strategy. What do a famous Russian travel blogger and a U.S. pro stock photographer have in common? Why does the Polish national cuisine look so tasty, and who would appear the first in a search for a portrait photographer in Warsaw or a cartoonist in Barcelona? The list below contains the answers!

Sean Locke

Bright, emotional and juicy stock photos by Sean Locke could make every product shine, from recognizable prints to successful business websites. “Real people. Useful objects. Greate themes. Interesting composition. They all help to tell your story, to sell your product,” promises Sean in his blog

Fans: Fan Watching Game But Listening to Others | Stock Photo © Depositphotos | Sean Locke

The Winners of the Digital Decade Contest

Depositphotos' and Designcollector Network's joint contest is over! Today we are happy to announce the best of the best: the top three winners of the competition and the winner of the Depositphotos' Choice Award. According to the premise of the contest, 30 shortlisted artists were invited to use images from Depositphotos' library to produce works of graphic art on the topic "The Digital Decade.". We received many entries, and the contest jury selected the top 15 artworks to be exhibited at the OFFF Festival 2013 in Barcelona. We are proud to introduce 15 works that got the majority of votes as well as the winners of our contest.

Dines (UK)

Filipp Ryabchikov (Russia)

Frukta Alexey (Russia)

Giga Kobidze (Georgia)

Markus J. Baier (Germany)

Nicolas Monin-Baroille (Germany)

Pokras Lampas (Russia)

Sergey Skip (Russia)

Sebastian Andaur (Chile)

Sorin Bechira (Romania)

Tomas Toleikis (UK)

Vladimir Tomin (Russia)

Wojciech Zalot (Poland)

Xavier Bourdil (France)

Zakharia Mesropov (Georgia)


Award Winners

And the Grand Prize goes to...

The Digital Decade Contest: 12 Works-in-Progress

On May 28, we will name the winners of The Digital Decade contest organized by Designcollector and Depositphotos. The results will be published in our blog and in the upcoming DCMAG#3 Special Edition. A dozen illustrations will travel to Barcelona to meet the audience at OFFF Festival Barcelona in June. In early May, our jury selected 30 artists to come up with some visual thoughts about the past decade and also project into the future. Now, when there are only a matter of hours left until the deadline, we'd like to share a gallery of 12 works-in-progress kindly provided by our talented contenders.

The Digital Decade: конкурс от Depositphotos и Designcollector

Designcollector Network, один из первых блогов, открывший миру в начале и середине нулевых талантливых дизайнеров из России, приглашает вместе отпраздновать свое десятилетие! Понимая значимость Designcollector для продвижения и развития новейших творческих идей, Depositphotos приглашает вас к участию в нашем совместном конкурсном проекте.  Авторы лучших работ получат в качестве призов новейшие гаджеты для создания новых работ, бесплатные подписки на Depositphotos, а Designcollector опубликует их работы в своем специальном печатном альманахе DCMAG#3. Лучшие 15 работ будут представлены на фестивале OFFF 2013 в Барселоне.

The Digital Decade: join the contest from Depositphotos and Designcollector!

Designcollector Network, one of the first blogs of the 21st century to introduce talented designers from Russia to the worldwide public, invites you to celebrate its tenth anniversary! Acknowledging the significance of Designcollector’s contribution to the development of innovative design ideas, Depositphotos encourages you to participate in our joint contest. The authors of the winning design projects will receive the great gadgets that will definitely help them create even cooler works, in addition to Depositphotos’ subscriptions; Designcollector, in its turn, will publish their works in its print magazine printed magazine DCMAG#3.The best 15 works will be exhibited at the OFFF 2013 Barcelona festival.

PhotoShop World

Привет из Орландо, штат Флорида! Команда Depositphotos совсем недавно вернулась с конференции PhotoShop World, которая проходила с 16 по 19 апреля. Это было необычайно успешное мероприятие, и мы были счастливы познакомиться с такими же любителями фотографии, как и мы! С радостью поделимся с вами нашими впечатлениями. А это я с “большими шишками” мира фотографии у входа в зал мероприятия.

PhotoShop World Blog

Hello from Orlando, Florida! Depositphotos has just finished exhibiting at this year’s PhotoShop World  that took place between April 16-19. We are so excited to have had such a successful show and to have met such passionate and enthusiastic photo lovers like ourselves! Here I am with some “Big Shots” outside of the convention hall.